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发布时间:2019-06-11   浏览量:

   报告人:Professor Wael El-Dakhakhni

  时间:6月13日 09:30-10:30,地点:环境学院后院106

  报告人简介:Wael El-Dakhakhni博士,现任Mcmaster University(加拿大麦克马斯特大学)市政工程系终身教授、Institute for Multi-hazard Systemic Risk Studies (多灾害系统风险研究中心)主任、ASCE Fellow(美国土木工程师学会会士),主要研究方向为Simulation of complex interdependent systems,Data analytics applications in engineering systems,Systemic risk and resilience quantification in power infrastructure,以及Testing and modeling of structural systems under extreme events,,发表国际SCI期刊收录论文110余篇,领导了60余项加拿大NSERC、NRC资助的国家和省部级项目。


  讲座题目:Resilience and Systemic Risk: Breaking Silos through Working at the Interface

  讲座摘要:The concept of resilience has been attracting increased attention from all disciplines including social science, phycology, political science, economics, ecology, epidemiology, and engineering. From the engineering perspective, we live in a rapidly changing world system with evolving natural and anthropogenic hazard-induced risks. The sources, magnitude, frequency and extent of these risks (whether one considers the influencing hazards, the affected systems, or their interactions) are not only complex to understand but are also temporally, spatially, and nonlinearly interdependent. This is why there is an urgent need to develop tools to understand, model, predict, and mitigate our complex world systemic risks—whereas failure of one system component can cascade throughout the entire system-of-systems in a domino-like (complete) system-level failure.