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发布时间:2019-06-11   浏览量:

  报告人:Professor Caterina Valeo

  时间:6月13日 10:30-11:30,地点:环境学院后院106

  报告人简介:Caterina Valeo博士现任University of Victoria(加拿大维多利亚大学)机械工程学院教授,主要研究方向为Disturbance Modelling in Forested Regions Sustainable Urban Development of Water Resources,Climate Change Impacts and Analysis using Artificial Neural Networks,以及Pollutant Dispersion Modelling in Rivers and Nearshore Regions,发表国际SCI期刊收录论文100余篇。


  讲座题目:The Role of Environmental Information Science in Sustainable Urban Design Research

  讲座摘要:Modern challenges require a paradigm shift in how to approach developing solutions. As while disruptive forces such as climate change and population continue to intensify, it is becoming evident that solutions require a systems approach that is integrative, technologically innovative, socially minded, engages the individual, and is cognizant of scale issues. Environmental Information Science (EIS) can be described as a path of inquiry that effectively integrates the creation, collection, processing, modelling, interpretation, and dissemination of information This presentation will demonstrate the role of EIS for such an approach with application to infrastructure design for Low Impact Development. Innovative solutions for mitigating pollution through biological mechanisms within nested, multi-scale systems are proposed for addressing large scale, adverse environmental consequences of urban development and climate.